Wednesday 28 August 2013

Getting my blog on

I’ve just discovered the 30 day blog challenge, which is being run by Natalie Sisson, the 
Suitcase Entrepreneur – as the title suggests Natalie quite literally runs her business ‘out of her suitcase’ whilst she travels the world. Unfortunately I discovered the programme on day 22, Natalie invited me join right along even at this stage, but on exploring the themes for day 1 & 2 I really think I need to work my way through from the beginning, it’s all really relevant as I am actually thinking about giving it all in and travelling the world, I’m worrying about everything from leaving my family behind, to funding the trip - how can I earn more money before I go, how can I earn money whilst travelling, how long do I want to go for? Will I want to come back, will I want to / can I become location independent? After being my own boss will I ever want to work in a stuffy office for someone else ever again????

Thursday 22 August 2013

Inspiration where I least expected it

I’ve been trying to re-inspire myself to start writing and blogging again. I initially set up this blog as a way to
get out of a rut and do exciting things on my 30 b4 30 list and then blog about them. But it didn’t quite work out that way, I did cross some things off the list and I did some other cools stuff that maybe I’ll write about one day. But ultimately the list was an excuse for the fact that I couldn’t afford to go travelling – that’s what I really wanted to do and write about!